Monday, September 13, 2010

Christmas orders, come one, come all!!

Hey ya'll, in order for me to have time to do orders for Christmas, I am going to need your orders in at the very latest by November 12th. I try to get most orders done in less than a week, or in 2 at the latest. So please, please get your orders to me by the 12th of November. After that, life starts to get a little bit busier and I dont want to forget anyone. Orders placed after the 12th of November will be charged an additional fee of $5 and will not recieve their product before Thanksgiving Day. It will be delivered in the week after Thanksgiving. Also, all orders placed after Thanksgiving will be charged an additional $5. Those orders will be done as soon as possible, but most likely will be done by the 17th of December. I will not take any Christmas orders after December 10th. Sorry.

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