Jordan Armga is 24 years old. She is a Saint George resident, born and raised. She loves the area and the people here and is so happy to live in such a great community. Jordan is married to Harrison. He works full time for the City of Saint George, which gives Jordan the opportunity to stay home and raise their daughter, and care for the new one on the way. Jordan loves to craft, its one of her passions. she also loves to redecorate and do things for cheap!! Jordan loves to yard sale and find treasures that she can redo into her own new treasure with a brand new color or material. Jordan loves to make others happy, and giving homemade gifts is something she strongly believes in. It means more if its from the heart.
Starting a business was not something Jordan thought she could do, but its slowly making its way off the ground. She is so thankful to those that have helped her, inspired her and believed in her. Her husband, Her mom and dad and herself. This may not be all that she will do with this business, she is talanted in so many ways. So keep checking back, and in the mean time, order something beautiful for your home or office.