Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Rush

I just wanted to remind all of you wonderful people out there, that all orders placed after November 12th have had a $5 fee added to them. And all orders placed after Thanksgiving, have had a $10 fee added to them. I do appreciate your business so much, but in order to get your orders finished before the 17th of December, I feel like I need to add a rush fee. I am still taking orders, but please no MASS orders.

Thank you to all of you who have ordered. I hope you are enjoying your Sticks and Stones.

And, last but not least: A Christmas Special!! Here it is: Any two premade Sticks for $40! No late fee for late orders. Offer ends Monday December 6. Premade sticks have prechosen paint and vinyl sayings.

Please call me or email me for more details! Thank you!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Christmas orders, come one, come all!!

Hey ya'll, in order for me to have time to do orders for Christmas, I am going to need your orders in at the very latest by November 12th. I try to get most orders done in less than a week, or in 2 at the latest. So please, please get your orders to me by the 12th of November. After that, life starts to get a little bit busier and I dont want to forget anyone. Orders placed after the 12th of November will be charged an additional fee of $5 and will not recieve their product before Thanksgiving Day. It will be delivered in the week after Thanksgiving. Also, all orders placed after Thanksgiving will be charged an additional $5. Those orders will be done as soon as possible, but most likely will be done by the 17th of December. I will not take any Christmas orders after December 10th. Sorry.

Starting out special!!

I'm going to do a first ever special.... just since I'm starting out. I would like to do a lot more projects but can only do that with your help!! So, with your paid order, if you refer 2 more friends to me, and with their paid order, you get a free 6"x6" stone with the saying of your choice!

Please bear with me...

I am working on the website as fast as my fingers can type! I promise to have the blog up and running by tomorrow afternoon. Check back to see whats new!! Thanks. Jordan